Sexual Health Services

For Her

Dr Serfontein is passionate about all aspects of sexual health and offers a wide range of sexual health related services. HIV management, STI management, contraception, painful sex, erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation are some of her special interests.


HIV Related Services

All services related to HIV, including counselling, testing, treating, as well as preventing new infections.

STI Screening & Management

Screening and treatment for all STIs and genital infections.

Mirena & Other Contraception Advice

We provide access to safe and effective contraception options, including inserting the Mirena at affordable rates.

Check-ups & Routine Examinations

General health check-ups, pap smears, vaccinations, STI screening, contraception, fertility testing and pre-pregnancy screening.

Low Libido

Low libido is a common problem and can be caused by various factors. During consultation all physical and psychological aspects will be explored and addressed.

Painful Sex

We specialise in the treatment of patients who experience painful intercourse and chronic pelvic pain.

Transgender Health

We offer healthcare for transgender, or gender-nonconforming individuals, including Gender Affirming Hormonal Treatment, LGBTIQA+ counselling and support services.

Problems with Orgasm

We provide various client-specific treatment options for men and women who struggle to orgasm.


We stay abreast of the latest research and offer various options for managing menopause.
